
Can PEMF be used to treat migraines?

Many people who know about PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field ) therapy ask “Can PEMF be used to treat migraines?“. Yes, it can be used to help with migraines.

How does PEMF work to combat migraines?

PEMF, or Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy, is a non-invasive and safe therapy that uses low-frequency electromagnetic waves to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. While there are enough published studies on PEMF and migraines, the ones that do exist suggest that PEMF can be effective in treating and in preventing migraines.

PEMF therapy may be able to help in the treatment of migraines by addressing some of the underlying mechanisms that contribute to the development of migraines. Migraines are thought to be caused by waves of activity in the brain that trigger the release of chemicals like serotonin, leading to the narrowing of blood vessels and inflammation.

PEMF therapy works by emitting low-frequency electromagnetic fields that can penetrate the tissues of the body, including the brain, if the magnetic waves from the PEMF device are strong enough. These magnetic waves are believed to interact with cells and tissues, producing a range of effects that can help reduce inflammation, increase circulation, and promote healing.

One way PEMF therapy may be able to help with migraines is by increasing blood flow to the brain. Migraines are often associated with reduced blood flow to certain areas of the brain, which can cause pain and other symptoms. By increasing blood flow, PEMF therapy may be able to reduce the severity and duration of migraines.

Another potential mechanism by which PEMF therapy may help with migraines is by modulating the activity of brain cells. As discussed earlier, migraines are caused by waves of activity in the brain that trigger the release of chemicals like serotonin. PEMF therapy may be able to influence brainwave patterns, which could help to alleviate the symptoms of migraines.

Additionally, PEMF therapy may be able to help address some of the hormonal imbalances that contribute to migraines, particularly in women. Fluctuating estrogen levels are often associated with migraines in women. PEMF therapy may be able to help modulate these hormone levels, reducing the likelihood of a migraine attack.

Studies on Migraines and PEMF

While the studies on PEMFs and migraines has been very limited to date, there have been multiple published studies showing PEMF therapy to be effective.

Treatment of Migraine With Pulsing Electromagnetic Fields: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study (Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain, 1999)

This study found that exposure to pulsing electromagnetic fields for at least 3 weeks is an effective short-term intervention for migraine. Most participants who received actual exposure reported decreased headaches compared to those who received the placebo. Those who received additional exposure also showed decreased headache activity.

Effect of pulsating electromagnetic field therapy on cell volume and phagocytosis activity in multiple sclerosis and migraine

A study investigated the effects of PEMF treatment on patients with multiple sclerosis and migraines. Following a single treatment, there was a significant increase in yeast particle uptake by blood granulocytes in both groups of patients. However, only the migraine patients showed an increase in the percentage of phagocytizing cells. After 20 PEMF treatments, both groups experienced a reduction in particle uptake, while the percentage of phagocytizing cells remained the same. In the migraine patients, serum opsonic capacity and the mean cell volume of blood cells initially decreased but increased during the 20 PEMF treatments. The study suggests that the organism’s counter-regulation response to the primary PEMF effect resulted in the biphasic changes in cell volume and phagocytic activity.